Penn College News

'My Last Words' Lecture Series Begins

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Edward A. Vavra, the inaugural speaker in the 'My Last Words' series, speaks in Penn's Inn.What would you talk about if you knew you had only one more chance in your lifetime to speak to a group of students?

In this brand-new series offered by the Student Activities Office, Penn Collegeprofessors have been challenged to answer that question. Each presentation will feature a differentfaculty member,and the audience will learn what is most important to the guest speakers as they each answer the question, "What would 'My Last Words' be?"

Faculty were nominated by students and selected based on program titles and description. All "My Last Words" programs will be held at 6:30 p.m. in Penn's Inn.

The inaugural program was Tuesday, Feb. 7, featuring Edward A. Vavra, associate professor ofrhetoric. The title of his presentationwas "I Died, but I Tried I Had a Dream."

Mark your calendar for future Spring 2006 dates:

  • March 21: David L. Evans, biology professor, "The Most Dangerous Places"
  • April 11: Michael J. Ditchfield, hospitality management/culinary arts instructor, "One Person Can Make a Difference"