Penn College News

Governance Lists Highlights for January

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

The Governance standing committees meet on the third Tuesday of each month; College Council meets on the fourth Tuesday. Current meeting minutes are posted to the Governance Web site after they are approved in the next month's meeting. Major issues addressed last month are as follows:

College Council (Jan. 24, 3:30 p.m., PDC)Penn State Faculty Senate expresses interest in archiving minutes at Penn College; information literacy continues to be implemented on campus; 52 open positions on Governance committees this year. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting College Council chair David L. Evans )

Academic Standards& Issues (Jan. 17, 3:30 p.m., PDC)Restriction of instant messaging and Internet use in classrooms; monetary reimbursement or waiver of tuition for students taking internships; fitness credit for military experience; course sequencing to improve grades. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting AS&I chairLawrence W. Emery .)

Curriculum (Jan. 17, 3:30 p.m., LEC 220)Course Revision MGT 232 Minor Changes via Memorandum (major) Business Administration, Management Information Systems Concentration; Physician Assistant, Applied Health Studies, Cardiovascular Technology Concentration Minor Changes via Memorandum (course) Surgical Technology SGT 102, 105, 108, 117, 208, 215, 220 Science Curriculum various changes to chemistry and biology courses. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting Curriculum chair Marie Smith .)

Facilities (Jan. 17, 3:30 p.m., CC 207)Critique of first phase of Facilities Committee's newly developed energy-conservation Web site; status of the Madigan Library construction and the BiLo building demolition; expired food in vending machines; addition of outdoor bench at ACC. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting Facilities chair Richard C. Taylor .)

Human Resources (Jan. 17, 3:30 p.m.; SASC, Room2001)Recognition of formal and informal teams on campus; issues with the Distinguished Staff Awards addressed; status of the "Donate a Day to Help Katrina Victims" initiative; busy semester announced for The Promotion and Sabbatical Subcommittee. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting Human Resources chair Barbara Wayne-Mellot .)

Long Range Planning (Jan. 17, 3:30 p.m., PDC)Possible investigation by college of the Kalamazoo Project; use of college facilities in the summer months. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting Long Range Planning chair Daniel K. Christopher .)

Student Affairs (Jan. 17, 3:30 p.m., PDC) ATHS curb-cut issue continues; proposal forthcoming for implementation of Student Choice Awards; Multicultural Student Organization's celebration of Christmas and Kwanzaa questioned; college to initiate a Mardi Gras celebration this year; college's ice rink will open soon. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting Student Affairs chair Eugene M. McAvoy .)

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