Penn College News

Penn College Welcomes New Employees

Monday, February 6, 2006

PCToday continues its regular feature: welcoming new full-time and regular part-time Penn College employees, as reported by the Human Resources Office.

  • Carolyn Hindman, Test Center Proctor, (Regular Part-Time), Academic Affairs, effective Jan. 24

  • Keith Saboski , Library Circulation Assistant (Temporary Regular Part-Time), College Library, starting Jan. 24

  • Lucina Lowmiller, Service Attendant (Regular Part-Time), Food Services, starting Jan. 30

  • Gary McQuay, Coordinator, Pennsylvania Plastics Resource Network (Temporary), Plastics Manufacturing Center/WDCE, beginning Jan. 31

  • Sharon Cashwell, Food Service Worker (Regular Part-Time), Susquehanna Room, starting Feb. 6

  • Aaron Hale, Technical Support Analyst (Temporary, 185-day), Business and Computer Technologies, starting Feb. 6