Penn College News

Legal Scholar Presents Professional-Development Sessions

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Donald D. Gehring addresses faculty during a morning lecture regarding 'Legal Issues for Faculty.'Nationally renowned speaker and pre-eminent legal scholar Donald D. Gehring will present three professional-development sessions on Jan. 25 in the Mountain Laurel Room of Pennsylvania College of Technology's Thompson Professional Development Center.

"Legal Issues for Faculty" was the topic for public presentations at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m, and a session for Student Affairs staff, "The Law and Student Affairs,"was slatedfrom 1:30 to 4 p.m. The programs are the latest offerings in the William C. Butler Lecture Series.

Gehring?s engaging and thought-provoking commentary has made him one of the most-sought-after higher-education speakers in the country.

As co-editor of The College Student and the Courts, a leading periodical on critical law and policy issues, he is considered one of the foremost experts on critical legal issues facing higher education in today's world. His own articles can be found in The Journal of College and University Student Housing, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Journal, Personnel and Guidance Journal, The Dental Educator, Surgery, Programming, and The Journal of College Student Personnel. He co-authored "Alcohol on Campus" and has contributed chapters on legal issues to numerous books.

Faculty listen to scholar Donald D. Gehring during a professional development session.Gehring is a professor emeritus and past director of the higher education administration doctoral program at Bowling Green State University.

In 1988, he founded the Association for Student Judicial Affairs and served as its first president; the organization now boasts 1,200 members from 750 institutions in the United States and Canada. In honor of his expertise and service, the highly lauded ASJA judicial training seminar was renamed as the Donald D. Gehring Campus Judicial Affairs Training Institute in 1994.

He has earned an impressive array of national awards and commendations.

The lecture series is a tribute to William C. Butler, who served as Penn College's dean of hospitality from 1994 until his death in December 2002.

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