Penn College News

Residence Life Honors Outstanding RAs, Programs

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Residence Life Office at Penn College has announced a number of recent honors, singling out noteworthy students and programs among the college's four residence-hall complexes.

Selected as this winter's "Resident Assistants of the Month" were Tacy L. De Green, of Bloomsburg, in her second year at Campus View Apartments; and G. Patrick Butler, of Annandale , N.J. , in his second year at College West Apartments. De Green is a technology management major and Butler is enrolled in data communications and networking.

Tacy L. De GreenDeGreen "stood out to all four (residence-hall) coordinators, serving on different committees in different capacities," the Residence Life staff wrote. "You can always count on her. Whether it be a new RA needing help, a returning RA needing to vent or a coordinator needing insight, this RA is always there."

Involved in countless campus programs in spite of her hectic academic schedule, she was applauded for her positive attitude and commitment to excellence.

G. Patrick ButlerButler was termed a "computer guru (who) has produced innovations for Residence Life that have made the job easier and possibly (will) be marketed by other institutions in the near future."

Exhibiting a positive outlook and obvious knowledge of his Resident Assistant role, the staff said, he has been extremely instrumental in supporting RAs and the professional staff members in Residence Life.

Named as "Rising Star RAs" were Kevin A. Hickman, of Benton , a first-year RA at College West; and Adam J. Sillaman, Mountville, in his first year at The Village at Penn College . Both are radiology majors.

Kevin A.  HickmanHickman "has provided pizzazz to the Residence Life Office by broadening the perspectives of students and staff members of Penn College ," the staff wrote. "This RA loves drama and exemplifies his skill tremendously by appearing in many programs. He also helped with 'Celebration of the Lights' and serves as a student voice on the Sexual Awareness Committee."

Hickman has appeared in "Drawing the Shades" and has been instrumental in bringing a local production of "The Vagina Monologues" to campus later this semester.

Adam J. SillamanOf Sillaman, the staff said: "This RA has created a sense of community in his area. He knows each and every resident by name, and has already gained their respect and admiration. His residents feel very comfortable approaching him with any problem or need."

Staff also noted Sillaman's "uncanny sense of humor and great outlook on life," additionally applauding his timely completion of RA-duty tasks and paperwork.

Residence Life also selected educational and social "Programs of the Month" as follows:


  • "Drawing the Shades" A multimedia presentation that addressed sexual assault on college campuses, this program was prepared by Hickman, De Green and Village RA Amanda R. Miller; along with resident student James Riedel and Ashley Smith, coordinator of residence life at Campus View. "The RAs worked for a month and a half in advance, rehearsing, reading lines and doing sound checks for the program," the staff wrote. "The program went through flawlessly and the RAs did a great job in educating (more than 50) students on sexual assault."
  • "Sex and Candy" About 50 participants in this program, collaboratively offered by RAs in all four complexes, were educated on the responsibilities of health and life issues.


  • "Powder Puff Football" More than 300 students enjoyed this football game, which was supplemented by a "womanless beauty pageant with 10 participants! The guys had a great time and did a great job in entertaining for the half-time show," the staff noted. "People are still talking about the game." All Campus View Resident Assistants and College West RA James E. Rottmund planned this event, which included securing the field, designing and ordering T-shirts, and organizing the officials.
  • "Poker Tournament" More than 30 people were entertained for hours in this event, which was held in CC Commons and organized by Campus View RA Eric M. Bruno. "It was a really fun night," according to staff, who particularly noted the teamwork that went into planning the popular tournament.