Penn College News

Customer-Care Workshop to Be Offered at North Campus

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

If you or your employees deal closely with customers, Pennsylvania College of Technology's North Campus has designed a program specifically for you. A one-day workshop filled with valuable information about customer service is planned for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10.

Topics to be covered include effective customer service, handling complaints, turning a negative encounter into a positive one, time management, stress management and winning with people.

Harry Colegrove and Linda Cheyney will enlighten and entertain the audience, giving participants a new outlook for dealing with the public in their jobs.

The noncredit program is designed by Workforce Development& Continuing Education at Penn College. Certificates of attendance for six hours will be provided at the end of the day.

The cost for the workshop is $65 per person and includes breaks and lunch. Pre-registration is required for the class. Call (570) 724-7703 to register or receive more information.