Penn College News

PMC Director Conducts Workshop at Chicago Conference

Friday, January 6, 2006

C. Hank WhiteC. Hank White, director of the Plastics Manufacturing Center at Pennsylvania College of Technology, conducted a workshop recently to introduce the availability in the marketplace of Nylene 494, a new nylon polymer for rotational molding.

The workshop was part of the joint meeting of the Association of Rotational Molders and the Society of Plastics Engineers in Chicago.

White and the PMC worked with Custom Resins, a Henderson, Ky., manufacturer, to develop the material, which Custom Resins is marketing for sale. While the center has developed new materials in the past for other companies' proprietary use, the conference marks the first time it has introduced a material for the worldwide marketplace.

White earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Fairmont State College and has participated in master of business programs at Ohio University and the University of Southern California. He has headed the PMC at Penn College since 1997. He was business development manager and director of research and development for the West Co. and director of materials development for the Kerr Group.

White is a national award recipient for the development of new thermoplastic elastomer materials, and he instituted Penn College's Rotational Molding Center of Excellence, where fundamental relationships between resin, processing and product properties can be developed.

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