Penn College News

Employees Reminded of Content-Development Resources, Procedures

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Staff and faculty are reminded of several resources for developing letters, reports, promotional materials and other college-related communications.

The Penn College Style Guide, available online , offers guidelines for using:

  • Penn College names and places
  • official statements, such as the nondiscrimination statement
  • editorial standards and more

For questions about Penn College's editorial standards orto request help using the Style Guide, please contact Wendy Cunningham, technical editor in the College Informationand Community Relations Office, by e-mail or at ext. 4963.

In accordance with college policy and procedures, staff or faculty who have developed content intended to be viewed or distributed off campus (such as letters, Web pages, brochures and fliers), must have materials reviewed by College Informationand Community Relations prior to posting or distribution.

Please e-mail a draft of the proposed content to the department reviewers. Please allow at least one week for review if possible; if the content requires more immediate review, please note that in your e-mail. Thank you!