Penn College News

Annual Fund Campaign Featured in National Newsletter

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Penn College Annual Fund Employee Campaign and the support it generates for students are highlighted in the latest issue of the national newsletter "Successful Fund Raising."

Two articles outlining the campaign run by James F.Finkler, annual giving officer, appear on the front page of the December issue of "Successful Fund Raising."

One of the articles focuses on the annual campaign kickoff activities, including "teaser" e-mails and the Institutional Advancement staff canvassing the college distributing items such as sunglasses to employees. The other article reviews the prize drawings connected to the Annual Fund Employee Campaign.

Finkler said both subjects have helped to create greater interest in the campaign, resulting in employee gifts to the Annual Fund nearly doubling since the 2001-02 campaign.

"Those results are a clear reflection of just how dedicated Penn College employees are to helping students succeed," Finkler said.

"Successful Fund Raising," a monthly newsletter reporting on successful fund-raising ideas, strategies, and management issues, is published by Stevenson, Inc., of Sioux City, Iowa.

For more information about making a donation to Penn College or the Penn College Foundation, contact the Institutional Advancement Office at (570) 320-8000 or toll-free (866) GIVE-2-PC or send e-mail.