Penn College News

Graduates Provide Helpful 'Real World' Insight

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

From left are Matthew J. Strine, Cleveland Brothers CAT%3B Jacob Vough, Beckwith CAT%3B Louis J. Di Donato, Ransome CAT%3B and Mark E. Keller, Glenn O Hawbaker Inc.Four returning graduates hosted a recent panel discussion on "The School of Hard Knocks," giving students at the Schneebeli Earth Science Center a heads-up on what to expect in the workplace once they graduate.

The panel was presented during a regular meeting of the Student Success Program offered at theAllenwood-area campusevery fall. SSP is a free program of the School of Natural Resources Management at Pennsylvania College of Technology, the goals of which are to assist students to adjust to the challenges of college life and the disciplined approach needed to have a positive academic experience and a successful career.

In addition to study skills, the program focuses on job "survival skills," providing students with "real world" perspectives taught by employers, industry representatives and advisory-board members.

These work-related topics have proven valuable in reducing employee attrition and increasing employer and employee satisfaction. Students find out the dos and don'ts of the world of work before entering it.