Penn College News

Centex Homes' Gift Establishes Scholarship at Penn College

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

From left, Thomas J. Mulfinger, associate professor and department head, building construction technology%3B Tom F. Gregory, dean of construction and design technologies%3B William T. Faulk Jr., Centex Homes' regional director of construction services%3B and Debra M. Miller, director of corporate relations at Pennsylvania College of Technology.One of the nation's largest homebuilders is expanding its partnership with Pennsylvania's premier technical college, Pennsylvania College of Technology.

Debra M. Miller, director of corporate relations at Penn College, said Dallas-based Centex Homes recently provided the college with a gift of $25,000.

Miller said $20,000 of the gift is being used to establish the Centex Homes Endowed Scholarship Fund at Penn College, expanding upon a previous arrangement with Centex to provide scholarship awards for students in the School of Construction and Design Technologies. The additional $5,000 will be used to provide program support, she said.

"We are very pleased that the partnership between Penn College and Centex continues to grow," Miller said. "Centex recognizes the importance of establishing relationships with our students early in their academic experience, and scholarships provide an excellent way to build that relationship."

Criteria for receiving an award from the Centex Homes Endowed Scholarship Fund includes full-time enrollment in Penn College's residential construction technology and management bachelor-degree major, with a minimum grade-point average of 2.5 and a demonstrated financial need.

Over the past several years, support from Centex Homes for Penn College students has included scholarship awards, co-op and internship opportunities, programmatic support, funding for the college's "eLearning Center," and a donation of 50 Palm Pilot hand-held computers for faculty and students in the residential construction technology and management major.

Centex has also provided individual tuition support for Penn College students who are participating in their summer internship programs.

"Centex is proud of the relationship with Pennsylvania College of Technology," said William T. Faulk Jr., Centex Homes' regional director of construction services. "This college really raises the bar on education for the construction field."

Centex Homes operates in 25 states and delivered more than 33,000 homes in the United States in its most recent fiscal year, which ended March 31.

For more information about Penn College degrees in the School of Construction and Design Technologies, or any of the college's more than 100 fields of study, contact the Admissions Office at (570) 327-4761, or toll-free (800) 367-9222; or send e-mail .

For more information about making a donation to Penn College or the Penn College Foundation, contact the Institutional Advancement Office at (570) 320-8000, or toll-free (866) GIVE-2-PC; or send e-mail.