Penn College News

Employees, Add Your Support to Madigan Library Campaign

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Irwin H. SiegelMany Penn College employees are adding their support to the Madigan Library Campaign. One is Irwin H. Siegel, professor of business administration/business law. "For centuries, libraries have represented the core of academic institutions. I know that all of us who comprise the Penn College community are excited at the opportunity for our campus to possess a state-of-the-art library, which will serve to enhance the educational experiences of all involved in the teaching-and-learning process. The Madigan Library represents a significant step in the continued advancement of Penn College in fulfilling its mission." For more information on how you can add your support to the Madigan Library Campaign, call the Institutional Advancement Office at ext. 7316 or (570) 320-8000; send e-mailor visit online.