Penn College News

Passwords, Software Requests Among ITS Reminders for November

Monday, October 31, 2005

Dates to Remember Down-Times
AS/400 down-time for scheduled hardware upgrade Nov. 24-25 (down-time will begin the afternoon of Nov. 24; exact time frame to be announced)

ITS issues announcements, reminders for NovemberHousekeeping Reminders
Faculty, don't wait until the day grades are due to make sure you can log in to the AS/400. Remember that AS/400 passwords expire every 180 days. Is it possible that yours has expired since the last time you logged in? If your password hasn't expired, but you suspect it will in the near future, take the time to change it today.

Faculty also are reminded that requests for software to be installed in computer labs for the next semester should be made by Nov. 15. Requests made after that date cannot be guaranteed in time for the start of Spring 2006 classes. Direct requests to the appropriate lab manager:

  • Susan Deuel Construction and Design Technologies, Industrial and Engineering Technologies, and Transportation Technology
  • Connie Vitolins Health Sciences, Natural Resources Management, Integrated Studies and Hospitality
  • Gallahad Mallery Business and Computer Technologies

Employees are reminded to carefully review their e-mail quarantine reports to check that no valid messages have been quarantined. Faculty should be aware that e-mail from students who use external e-mail accounts such as Yahoo or Hotmail inadvertently could be quarantined. The quarantine report allows you to release valid messages so you can receive them in your GroupWise mailbox.

Employees and students, please take a few minutes to clean up your H: drive. Delete any files youno longer need or move them to a CD or other external storage device. A little bit of time spent reviewing and deleting unneeded files can save space and, ultimately, make the network more responsive for everyone.