Penn College News

Employees, Add Your Support to Madigan Library Campaign

Monday, October 31, 2005

Joe Miller among employee library supportersMany Penn College employees are adding their support to the Madigan Library Campaign. One is Joe Miller, instructional media specialist. "The pioneers who settled this part of Pennsylvania, including my own ancestors, left behind all they knew to travel here in the hope of making better lives for themselves," says Miller. "People still strive to acquire skills and knowledge to better themselves, socially and economically. Libraries play a huge part in that. Countless individuals will undoubtedly become better people more informed, intellectually enriched citizens because of the time they spend in the Madigan Library. I can't think of a cause more worthy of our support." For more information on how you can add your support to the Madigan Library Campaign, call the Institutional Advancement Office at ext. 7316 or (570) 320-8000, send e-mailor visit online.