Penn College News

Emergency Response Web Site Debuts

Monday, October 31, 2005

Pennsylvania College of Technology has established an Emergency Response Web site, a comprehensive resource to help the college community prepare for and respond to situations that may threaten the safety and well-being of employees and students.

In addition to general guidelines covering a range of topics, the site offers links to other emergency resources on and off campus, such as Penn College Police, Student Affairs, Student Health Services and the Counseling Office, as well as U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Fire Administration and the National Weather Service, among others.

Some of the guidelines on the Web site include:

  • Steps for responding to emergency situations
  • Tips for prevention or preparedness
  • Resources for additional information
  • Emergency contact information

As new topics, or revisions to existing topics, are developed, articles alerting the college community to them will be posted on PCToday.

The PCToday article will briefly summarize the topic and direct viewers to the Emergency Response Web site to read the full text and guidelines.

The first in a series of topics begins with a look at Fire Emergencies. It includes vital information about building-evacuation procedures, safety tips, fire extinguishers and gathering locations on campus.

Future topics will provide response guidelines for power outages, weather-related emergencies, sexual assaults and civil disturbances, among others.