Penn College News

Nissei America Donates All-Electric Molding Machine to College

Friday, September 30, 2005

From left are Lawrence J. Fryda, dean of industrial and engineering technologies at Penn College%3B Tac Sato, East Coast regional manager for Nissei America%3B and Mike Petrie of Premier Plastics Systems Inc., a distributor of Nissei products.A world leader in injection-molding technology is donating a valuable piece of equipment to the plastics and polymer engineering technology program at Pennsylvania College of Technology.

Nissei America Inc., based in Anaheim, Calif., recently announced the donation of a model ES3000-25E all-electric molding machine to Penn College. The machine, valued at $110,600, has been in use at the college since March 2002, originally under a consignment agreement through Premier Plastics Systems Inc. of Branchburg, N.J.

Lawrence J. Fryda, dean of industrial and engineering technologies, said the experience and skills gained by Penn College students while working with the ES3000 have contributed to their high job-placement rate and rapid company advancement.

"The plastics-manufacturing community has also benefited by having new graduates able to fully utilize the state-of-the-art equipment available from Nissei America," Fryda said.

Company officials involved in the donation, including Tac Sato, Nissei America's East Coast regional manager, visited Penn College recently to announce the donation and tour the campus.

"Nissei America is proud to be affiliated with Pennsylvania College of Technology through its donation of the Nissei molding equipment," Sato said. "Affording the students the opportunity to gain real-world experience on leading-edge equipment is vital to sustaining the injection-molding industry here in the United States. We are gratified to know that we are assisting Penn College in turning out the nation's finest ready-made employees."

Penn College is one of just four institutions in the United States to offer a bachelor of science degree in plastics and polymer engineering technology accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. Penn College also offers an ABET-accredited associate of applied science degree in plastics and polymer technology.

For more information about Penn College degrees in plastics and polymer engineering technology, or any of the college's more than 100 fields of study, call (570) 327-4761, or toll-free (800) 367-9222; send e-mail or visit online.

For more information about making a donation to Penn College or the Penn College Foundation, contact the Institutional Advancement Office at (570) 320-8000, or toll-free (866) GIVE-2-PC; or send e-mail.