Penn College News

Watershed Association Intern to Publicly Present Findings

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Adrianne R. Watkins, at work in the field.Adrianne R. Watkins, a senior Environmental Technology Management major at Pennsylvania College of Technology, has spent the summer collecting data and will present her results to the Loyalsock Creek Watershed Association during the open meeting at 7 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Plunkett's Creek Fire Hall in Barbours.

Through a grant provided by the Western Pennsylvania Watershed Program, the association was able to hireWatkins as a part-time intern to study the chemical properties of the water in the upper reaches of Loyalsock Creek.

The purpose of the project was to further investigate acidity problems in several tributaries to the Loyalsock in and around the village of Lopez. These tributaries are affected enough to be included in the state's list of impaired streams.

The student's project was supervised by Corey Richmond, watershed specialist, who works for the Sullivan County Conservation District.

This is the third partnership between Penn College and the LCWA. Carol J. Kafer, associate professor of biology and association president notes, "Through its environmental technology students, Penn College has become a loyal friend to the 'Sock."