Penn College News

Bloodmobile Surpasses Goal; Prize Winners Announced

Thursday, September 1, 2005

The American Red Cross was pleased with the turnout for Wednesday's Bloodmobile at the Bush Campus Center, where 156 individuals (including 28 first-time donors) registered to give blood and 131 pints were collected.We are pleased to say that we surpassed our goal of 125 pints.

The Red Cross and Student Health Services thank all who participated as a donor or volunteer. A special thanks to Food Services for providing the pizzas for this event.

The next Bloodmobile is scheduled for Oct. 26.

Winners of the door prizes and raffles were:

Carol RileyMichael WhittingJeff FisherRyan GastrockPaul AtkinJulie ReppertMegan KimeRachel StigerHeidi Wheeland