Penn College News

Twenty-Six Attend New Faculty/Staff Orientation

Thursday, August 18, 2005

New faculty/staff attend orientationAmong the newest faces of the Penn College community are these faculty/staff members assembled during orientation outside the Professional Development Center on Wednesday morning. Front row, from left: Brian McKeon, assistant professor, biology; William Astore, associate professor, history; Franklin Reber, instructor, building construction technology; Debra Bechtel, program specialist, human services; Stephanie O'Hargan, instructor, information technology; Diane Weilminster, instructor, surgical technology; Leann Henry, math instructor; Kathleen Hyatt, nursing instructor; Judy Quinti, instructor, physical fitness specialist; and Stephen Manbeck, HVAC instructor. Second row, from left: Frank Suchwala, instructor, hospitality management/culinary arts; Charles Niedermyer, instructor, baking and pastry arts/culinary arts; Steven Wallace, assistant dean of transportation technology; Laura Dickinson, associate professor, English-composition; Elizabeth Jenson, instructor, information technology; Charles Probst, instructor, automotive technology; Roy Klinger, instructor, collision repair; David Slavish, instructor, civil engineering technology; and Paul Nasados,instructor, civil engineering technology. Back row, from left: Garret Graff, instructor, building construction technology; Robert Wozniak, associate professor, architectural technology; Charles Duvel, assistant professor, building construction management; Tina Evans, assistant professor, dental hygiene/applied health studies; Michael Round, assistant professor, speech communication/composition; Joseph Weisser, coordinator of recruitment and retention, industrial and engineering technologies; and Steven McCoy, coordinator of recruitment and retention, construction and design technologies.