Penn College News

Students Present Research Findings at Boston Conference

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Two students in the plastics and polymer engineering technology major at Pennsylvania College of Technology finished their junior year of study by presenting a paper at the Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers in Boston.

Matthew Reichelderfer, Jersey Shore, and Sean M. Stabler, Montoursville, jointly presented "Retardation of Shrinkage Using Nanoclay as Filler."

The paper was based on research they performed at Penn College on the nucleating effects of organic pigments that cause excessive differential shrinkage in injection-molded plastic parts and the effects of nanoparticulate clay in alleviating this problem.

Their student paper and presentation earned them a presenter's certificate and a $100 award. The conference was attended by nearly 3,000 polymer and plastics scientists, engineers, educators and students from around the world.

A week prior to the SPE conference in Boston, Reichelderfer and Stabler represented Penn College and the plastics program by offering a similar presentation as guest speakers at the regional SPE Education Night dinner meeting in Selinsgrove.

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