Penn College News

Biology Faculty Member Has Works Published

Thursday, June 2, 2005

David L. EvansDavid L. Evans, professor of biology at Pennsylvania College of Technology, is writing a weekly column for one publisher and has written several chapters in a textbook for another. In addition, his biography will be included in an edition of "Who's Who in Executives and Professionals."

Evans was hired by Dushkin publishers to write a weekly column about homeland security. The articles are distributed on Dushkin Online and are available to students who buy related McGraw Hill-Dushkin textbooks and to those who subscribe to the Web site. The Web site is provided by the publisher as a resource for students to perform further research. Subjects of Evans' column have included Iraq, air security, identity theft, the Coast Guard and the Border Patrol.

Evans began writing the column in January, and his contract was recently renewed for the next year. He had previously written an anatomy and physiology column for the publisher.

While Evans teaches biology courses, he also has work experience related to homeland security. He spent five years during warfare in Beirut, Lebanon, and took part in policing urban parks in Massachusetts as a chief park ranger. He also has the chemistry and biology knowledge to address chemical and germ warfare.

Evans also wrote three chapters that are being published in Dee Silverthorn's "Laboratory Manual for Physiology." The chapters are: "Buffers and homeostasis;" "Hematology using fresh blood from nonprimate mammals," co-written with his wife, Henriette K. Evans, an academic career specialist at Penn College; and "Membrane transport in yeast," with Janet A. Sherman, associate professor of biology at Penn College, and Henriette K. Evans. The book is available through Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co. and is a peer-reviewed effort.

Evans also was recently accepted into National Register's "Who's Who in Executives and Professionals," 2006-07 edition.

To be named in the book, Evans was nominated by a previous recipient of the honor and was interviewed by the book publisher to confirm he has reached a level of recognizable success in his field. His biography will be published in the 2006-07 edition.

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