Penn College News

Peggy Madigan Memorial Leadership Scholarship Awarded

Friday, May 20, 2005

From left, Jesse H. Holdren of Ulster, the 2004 Peggy Madigan Memorial Leadership Scholarship recipient%3B Davie Jane Gilmour, Penn College president%3B and Steven A. Romano of Lewisburg, this year's scholarship recipient. (Photo by Joseph S. Yoder, news bureau manager)A student from the Lewisburg Area School District is the fourth recipient of a scholarship established at Pennsylvania College of Technology to honor the memory of the late wife of state Sen. Roger A. Madigan, a member of the college's board of directors.

Steven A. Romano, a senior at Lewisburg Area High School, was selected to receive the Peggy Madigan Memorial Leadership Scholarship for 2005.

The scholarship is open to high-school students who attend Sen. Madigan's annual "Pennsylvania's Tomorrow Starts Today" Student Government Seminar at Penn College and subsequently enroll as full-time students at the college. Romano will enter Penn College this fall and major in electronics technology-communications/fiber optics.

The Peggy Madigan Memorial Leadership Scholarship may be used to help defray the costs of tuition, fees, books, tools and other required supplies. Applicants are required to write an essay describing the community service they have performed and the value that service has added to the community.

For his senior project, Romano tutored learning-disabled children in the third, fourth and fifth grades in the summer of his junior year. He continues his involvement with tutoring in an after-school program for fourth- and fifth-grade learning-disabled students who need help in completing their homework.

Students gather at check-in for Friday's Student Government Seminar. (Photo by James F. Finkler, annual giving officer)Romano has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. He is an assistant Scout leader and has participated in various community-service projects through Scouting.

Romano also volunteers for Habitat for Humanity and has been an altar server at Sacred Heart Church for the past eight years. Romano says helping others makes him a better person.

Sen. Madigan's "Pennsylvania's Tomorrow Starts Today" Student Government Seminar enables students from high schools throughout his legislative district to meet with elected officials, members of the state's executive branch, representatives of special-interest groups and members of the news media for a day of panel discussions providing insights into the workings of state government.

For more information about scholarships at Penn College, visit online .