Penn College News

Employees' Annual Fund Contributions Set Record − Again

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Piggy-bank collection adds no small change to Annual Fund Campaign.A special "Thank you" goes out to all the Penn College employees who helped − once again −to set a record for donations to the Annual Fund.

"Traditional" giving to the 2004-05 Employee Campaign totals $64,985, an increase of $2,395 over the 2003-04 Campaign.

But wait, there's more!

All of the more than 250 Annual Fund piggy banks returned by Penn College employees have been opened, and all the change has been counted. The total: $1,451.39. That's a lot of bacon!

The grand total for the 2004-05 Annual Fund Employee Campaign: $66,436.39!

That total is more than double the amount donated to the 2000-01 Campaign, and the number of individual employee gifts to the Annual Fund has nearly doubled as well, from 171 to 333!

And take a look at the five-year total for the Annual Fund Employee Campaign: $253,420! That should make us all Penn College Proud!

The 2005-06 Annual Fund Employee Campaign is under way. Gift forms went out via interoffice mail last week. If you didn't receive a form −or a pair of those cool sunglasses −contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at ext. 7480. You can also print a gift form or make a gift online .

If you are not doing so already, please consider participating in the 2005-06 Annual Fund Campaign. With your support, we can continue to provide much-needed scholarships, advance equipment and facilities technology, and enhance the already-high quality of our educational programs, all to "Help Students Succeed!"