Penn College News

Aviation Student Wins Tool Chest; Raffle Tops $1,300 for Scholarships

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Winner Andrew D. Zook (left) with Matthew P. Branca, director of The College Store The winner of the custom-painted Snap-on tool-chest set is Andrew D. Zook of Carlisle, a junior in Penn College's aviation maintenance technology major. Zook purchased his raffle tickets several weeks ago, but was in The College Store selling back his textbooks when Tuesday's drawing occurred and decided to stick around to see who won. He said the Snap-on chest will replace his smaller Craftsman set. Matthew P. Branca, College Store director, thanks all who participated in the raffle − particularly student Brandon H. Smith for customizing the tool set in "Wildcat Blue" and to Snap-on for donating it to the fund-raiser. The raffle raised more than $1,300 for the College Store Endowed Scholarship Fund. Textbook buyback runs through Wednesday, May 11, during regular business hours in The College Store. Students' Penn College ID is required when selling back books; no other form of ID will be accepted.