Penn College News

S.W.O.R.D. Honored for Sportsmanship in National Competition

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Members of Penn College's S.W.O.R.D. club recently participated in the second BattleBot IQ collegiate-level competition, 28 students from a number of curricula who returned home with an "Outstanding Sportsmanship" award decided by their peers.

S.W.O.R.D. (Student Wildcats of Robotic Design) designed and fabricated two robots for the April 12-16 competition in Orlando, Fla. Colleges from around the country and Puerto Rico participated and, after several hard-fought matches, the club's final robot was double-eliminated Friday night.

Even after the defeat, the team played a major role in helping others such as Carnegie-Mellon, the University of Miami's two teams, University of Central Florida, Puerto Rico's three teams, and several high school groups.

Penn College studentsprovided parts, expertise and support throughout the competition and, in doing so, were presented with the "Outstanding Sportsmanship" honor at Saturday evening's award ceremonies. The winners of the awards were selected through ballots cast by the high schools and colleges at the event.

The team, along with David A. Probst, the team's adviser and an assistant professor of drafting and CAD technology, agreed that being presented the award was the highlight of the entire event.

"The club members pulled together and worked as a well-oiled machine throughout the competition, not only for their own robots, but for any other teams that were in need," Probst said. "I am proud to be the club's adviser and to have these students represent Pennsylvania College of Technology."