Penn College News

Campus Involvement Honored at Student Awards Banquet

Thursday, April 28, 2005

James Riedel, 'Student Leader of the Year'Congratulations to Penn College's vital and vigorous student organizations, honored at Wednesday night's annual Student Activities banquet in Penn's Inn:

  • James Riedel, an automotive technology management major from Quogue, N.Y., the outgoing president of the Student Government Association, who was selected as "Student Leader of the Year."
  • The Society for Plastics Engineers was named "Student Organization of the Year" for the second consecutive time.
  • SGA's "Outstanding Senator of the Year" was Kirk M. Allen of Birdsboro, representing the School of Business and Computer Technologies. A "Student of the Month" recipient earlier this year, Allen isenrolled in the business administration-management informations systems major.
  • "Most Improved Organization of the Year" was the Early Educators club.
  • Chosen as "New Student Leader of the Year" was Duc Anh Dao, an electric power generation technology major from Williamsport.
  • "Adviser of the Year" − and another repeat winner from past years − was William B. Urosevich, associate professor of anatomy/physiology, and adviser to the Wildcat Power Team.

( Photos provided by the Office of Student Activities)

Thomas C. Heffner, program specialist in early childhood education, advises the Early Educators clubKirk M. Allen, SGA 'Outstanding Senator of the Year'

Representatives of the Society for Plastics Engineers, the year's 'Outstanding Organization'William B. Urosevich, Wildcat Power Team adviser