Penn College News

Seventh Faculty Forum at Penn College Library to Explore Albania

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

"A Visit to Albania, a Country Rising Slowly From Communism," is the title of the program to be presented in an April 27 faculty forum at the Pennsylvania College of Technology Library.

The forum, which is the seventh of the series, will be presented from 3 to 4 p.m. by Richard C. Taylor, associate professor of plumbing and heating. The program is free and open to students, faculty, staff and the public. Taylor will guide attendees on a tour of the Albanian capital city, Tirana, as well as the nearby towns of Durres, which features both Roman ruins and a modern port, and Kruja. Albania was one of the most closed communist countries in the world as of 1991, when the 50-year rule ended. There are many evidences of this time seen in the people, culture and buildings. It remains one of the poorest countries in Europe.

Taylor has been employed by Penn College for 11 years, the first three years as an instructional specialist for the Weatherization Training Center.

He lived in Brazil for five years and has visited six other countries. His travels in Albania and France were prompted by visits to his daughter, who is on adventures of her own in those countries. On each of his international visits, Taylor attempts to investigate how the locals build, heat and cool their buildings.

The Penn College Library is located in the Learning Resources Center on the main campus. For more information, call (570) 327-4523 or visit online . More information about the Roger and Peggy Madigan Library, currently under construction at the college's main entrance,is available here.