Penn College News

English Professor Has Essay Published in Book

Friday, April 22, 2005

Mark D. NoeA chapter written by Mark D. Noe, professor of English and composition at Pennsylvania College of Technology, was published in a book of essays in January.

The book, "Essays on the Literature of American Novelist John P. Marquand (1893-1960)" was edited by Robert O. Whipple Jr. Noe's contribution to the book was an essay titled "No Outlets: Women's Roles in John P. Marquand's Fiction."

Whipple asked Noe to contribute to the book after they presented together on Marquand's work at several conferences.

Noe has taught English at Penn College for nearly six years, and his writings have appeared in such journals as Aethlon; The Explicator; and War, Literature and the Arts, among others. He has also published shorter items in several books, as well as numerous book reviews.

Noe trained as a Victorianist in a doctoral program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, though most of his recent work has concentrated on 20th-century American writers. He earned his master's degree from Sangamon State University and his bachelor's degree at Bradley University.

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