Penn College News

Shine On, Penn College Employees!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Handing out sunglasses Wednesday to kick off the 2005-06 Annual Fund Employee Campaign were, from left , Barbara A. Danko, director of alumni relations%3B Debra M. Miller, director of corporate relations%3B James F. Finkler, annual giving officer%3B Barry R. Stiger, vice president for institutional advancement%3B Tara R. Major, data assistant%3B and Joanne Kay, executive director of the Penn College Foundation.Penn College is a bright light leading the way to a great future for students and for our community so bright you may need to put on those cool Penn College sunglasses!

Our college shines because ofits employees. The Penn College Annual Fund Employee Campaign is an outstanding example of commitment to students and to this institution. Penn College employees donated more than $65,000 to the 2004-05 campaign, an increase of $3,000 over the 2003-04 campaign anddouble the amount employees donated to the Annual Fund just five years ago!

The 2005-06 Annual Fund Employee Campaign gift forms are being delivered via inter-office mail today to all full-time and regular part-time employees. If you didn't receive one, or you need a new form, please print and fill out the online employee gift form or call the Annual Fund office at ext. 7480. Also, please call or e-mail if you didn't get a pair of sunglasses!

The goal for the 2005-06 Annual Fund Employee Campaign is simple: repeat the success of the 2004-05 campaign.

Employee support of the Annual Fund is very important. In many cases, scholarships generated by contributions to the Annual Fund change the future for a student struggling to meet the cost of education. An unrestricted gift to the Annual Fund also can help the college change by advancing equipment and facilities technologies, enhancing the already-high quality of educational programs, and participating in dollar-for-dollar matching grant programs through the state and federal governments. As always,the Office of Institutional Advancementis committed to using gifts in the most effective way possible.

Once again, anyone who contributes at least $52 ($2 per pay) to the Annual Fund Employee Campaign will have her or his name entered in a drawing for various prizes, so you'll want to return your form as soon as possible. Winners will be announced Friday, Aug. 19.

Please use the form to make your gift through payroll deduction, or as an outright contribution. Return your gift form by June 17 if you wish to begin payroll deduction with the first pay of the new fiscal year, on July 8.