Penn College News

Motivational Speaker to Address SGA Spring Program

Monday, April 18, 2005

Patrick CombsThe Student Government Association will offer its Spring Educational Program at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, in Penn's Inn. The presenter will be Patrick Combs, a rapidly rising star in the corporate world.

This presentation will touch on teaching initiative, fueling passion and improving productivity. Combs masterfully blends practical ideas, important research and memorable anecdotes in a provocative and entertaining talk that will inspirehis audienceto do greater work.

Combs will offer an additionalfree workshop from 1-3 p.m. Thursday, April 21, in Penn's Inn to work with individuals and reinforce the main goals of his presentation. There will be a maximum capacity of 50 people.

SGA Cup points will be offered to student Clubs and organizations for the following:

  • Wednesday program attendance 25points per person (Four people maximum)
  • Thursday workshop attendance 25points per person (One person maximum)

Everyone is invited to attend! For more information or any questions, please feel free to e-mail Jim Riedel , SGA president.