Penn College News

Think You're Connected? Library Urges You to Think Again!

Thursday, April 7, 2005

Penn College joins in this month's celebration of the nation's libraries.You've got a cellphone.You've got a laptop.You've got a modem. Maybe you even have a PDA. You think you're wired and ready to tackle anything. But unless you're connected to the Penn College Library, you don't know what you're missing.

"Contrary to popular belief, everything is not on the Internet," reports Georgia Laudenslager, reference and outreach librarian at the college. "The library has many resources that are not currently on the Internet: older journal articles, instructional videos, books that are not yet digitized, archival materials, and other items that are not scannable. Another thing to keep in mind is that search engines only search a portion of the Internet. The 'Invisible' or 'Deep Web' is that portion of the Internet that cannot be searched by search engines. This includes pay-for-use databases and any Internet resource that searches its database 'on the fly.'"

"Using the library has never been faster, easier or more convenient," according to Rhonda Fisher, part-time reference librarian. "In addition to high-speed Internet access, we have quiet rooms for studying or doing group work, laptops that connect to the network wirelessly, and helpful, pleasant staff to help you find what you need: a book, journal, government document, database or a reliable Web site."

The library is celebrating National Library Week from April 10-16. Check out our display with giveaways in the Susquehanna Room this week; stop by in person from 7:30 a.m.-11 p.m. Monday through Thursday , 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday ,or from 1 -9 p.m .Sunday; or visit online 24/7.