Penn College News

StudyMate Staff-Development Activity Scheduled

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Looking to breathe life and interactivity into your online instruction? StudyMate is an authoring tool (similar to Respondus) that enables instructors/designers to create Flash-based learning activities and games.

Within minutes, it is possible to create flash cards, crossword puzzles, "game shows" and other activities from existing quiz/exam questions, glossaries or Respondus files. The completed StudyMate activities then are easily transferred to the WebCT course-management system for student access. No HTML or Flash knowledge is required!

A WebEx webinar will be heldfrom 2-3 p.m.April 28 in SASC, Room 2001 to demonstrate the StudyMate software. Seating is limited, so register right away! You can register by calling Workforce Development & Continuing Educationatext. 4775. If you have any questions, contact the IT/DL Office at ext. 7219 or send e-mail.