Penn College News

College Supports Employees in National Guard and Reserve

Monday, March 21, 2005

Penn College President Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour signs a statement of support for the National Guard and Reserve.Pennsylvania College of Technology President Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour has signed a statement of support for the National Guard and Reserve, pledging that the College will protect the jobs of employees who serve in these forces.

The statement pledges that:

  • Employment will not be denied because of service in the Guard or Reserve
  • Employee job and career opportunities will not be limited or reduced because of service in the Guard or Reserve
  • Employees will be granted leaves of absence for military service in the Guard or Reserve, consistent with existing laws, without sacrifice of vacation

The document, which is signed by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and David Janes, the chairman of the National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, states:

"We recognize the National Guard and Reserve as essential to the strength of our nation and the well-being of our communities.

"In the highest American tradition, the patriotic men and women of the Guard and Reserve serve voluntarily in an honorable and vital profession. They train to respond to their community and their country in time of need. They deserve the support of every segment of our society.

"If these volunteer forces are to continue to serve our nation, increased public understanding is required of the essential role of the Guard and Reserve in preserving our national security. Their members must have the cooperation of all American employers in encouraging employee participation in the Guard and Reserve."