Penn College News

Assistant Dean of Integrated Studies to Be Honored in 'Who's Who'

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Dr. Clifford P. CoppersmithDr. Clifford P. Coppersmith, assistant dean of integrated studies at Pennsylvania College of Technology, will be honored in the ninth edition of "Who's Who Among America's Teachers."

Teachers whose biographies appear in the book have been nominated by a former student. Students listed in "Who's Who Among American High School Students," "Who's Who Among American High School Students-Sports Edition" and "The National Dean's List" are invited to nominate a former teacher who has contributed significantly to their success and growth.

"It is very satisfying to realize you mean something to your students," Dr. Coppersmith said. "It's one of the better affirmations of being a teacher when students recognize you for playing some part in their development as students and as professionals."

He also was nominated for the eighth edition of the publication, which was published in October. According to "Who's Who Among America's Teachers." being honored in more than one edition of the book is "a tribute bestowed on very few teachers." In fact, fewer than 2 percent of the nation's teachers are included in more than one edition.

Dr. Coppersmith was hired as an assistant dean at Penn College in June 2004. In addition to his regular duties, he taught History of World Civilization in the fall semester. He plans to teach again when opportunity and time permit.

Prior to joining the administration at Penn College, Dr. Coppersmith taught history and anthropology at the College of Eastern Utah.

He noted that several administrators at the College have been honored recently in "Who's Who Among America's Teachers."

" It says a lot for our teaching emphasis here that administrators are being recognized for their work in the classroom," Dr. Coppersmith said.

The ninth edition of "Who's Who Among America's Teachers" will be published in October.

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