Penn College News

Matthew S. Kelleher Named 'RA of the Month'

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Matthew S. KelleherCampus View's Matthew S. Kelleher recently was named Penn College's "Resident Assistant of the Month." Kelleher, a junior from Bellefonte majoring in Business Technology Management, has been an RA for a little over a year.

He was encouraged to apply for the position by a former Resident Assistant, Maurice Freeman, who also was his roommate. Kelleher saw the degree to which RAs became involved on campus and was attracted to that aspect of the position. He says the best part of the job has been making contacts around campus that he would not have had the opportunity to make if he had not been in the position.

Staff comment that Kelleher has been a solid performer in all aspects of the position over the past year. Among his accomplishments are a three-part program on health and fitness that consisted of a segment on healthy cooking, a tour of the Fitness Center, and an educational video on diet and exercise.

Additionally, Kelleher headed a community-service initiative that was part of the Salvation Army's annual Festival of Trees.