Penn College News

Address Book Updated to Include Phone Extensions

Monday, March 14, 2005

Information Technology Services recently updated the GroupWise address book to include employee phone extensions. There are several options for viewing this and other directory information:
ITS offers this valuable 'Tech Tip'

  • Hover your mouse pointer over or click once on an employee's name anywhere it appears in the From, To, or CC field of an e-mail or appointment. A small pop-up window displays the person's full name, e-mail address and telephone extension.
  • From the main GroupWise window, access the Address book. Select the "Novell GroupWise Address Book" from the list on the left to display its contents in the right side of the window. Each employee's extension should display in the Office Phone column. If the Office Phone column does not display, simply right click anywhere on the column headings and select Office Phone Number from the list.
  • Access the Address Book from within a new e-mail message. Choose "Novell GroupWise Address Book" from the Look in field. Hover over an employee's name in the Address List to view the contact information. When available, the person's department and title also will display.