Penn College News

North Campus to Offer Classes in March for Piano, Debt-Free Living

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Pennsylvania College of Technology's North Campus near Wellsboro will offer one-day sessions this month on "Debt-Free Living" and "Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People." An "Introduction to Public Speaking" course will be offered on Monday evenings in April.

Debt-Free Living Workshop Those who would like to live a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle should attend this workshop from 6 to 9 p.m. on March 17 to learn how to do this with their current income. The objective of this easy class is to help participants pay off all consumer debt in one to three years and 30-year mortgages in another three to four years. The system works using debt and income information.

Participants will be asked to bring a list of debts with balances and minimum monthly payments. They will work out their own debt-elimination plan during class. The cost is $61, which includes all materials.

Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People Many people would like to learn to play the piano for pleasure but don't have the time for weekly lessons. In this one-evening session from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. March 24, participants can learn enough to provide years of musical enjoyment, whether entertaining others or just for their own amusement.

In this workshop, participants will learn all the chords needed to play any song, any style and any key. They will perfect their technique at home using an exclusive audiocassette that's provided. It's easy, fun and musically correct. Students should be able to read the treble clef. The cost is $79, which includes materials and the audiocassette.

Introduction to Public Speaking This course, to be offered from 6 to 8 p.m. on Mondays, April 11-25, is intended to assist persons who have never given a speech, or those who would like to be able to make an effective presentation. It will take participants through the seven steps of speech development and help them resolve speech anxiety.

The course will focus on preparation, how to communicate effectively and the appropriate use of visual aids. The instructor, William H. Herald, is a workforce-development consultant at Penn College and has many years of experience in speech preparation and delivery. The cost is $51.

For more information, or to register for any of the classes, call the North Campus at (570) 724-7703.