Penn College News

Students Defeat Faculty/Staff 107-65 in Basketball

Monday, January 24, 2005

For the fifth straight year, the student team defeated the staff/faculty team in their annual All-Star basketball game, this time by a score of 107-65. Thanks to all who participated or cheered for their favorite team in theJan. 21contest.

Student Matt Melusky (the game's most valuable player) led all scorers with 26 points.Three other student team members were in double figures: Erick Gainer, Dan Shields and Preston Peterson.

Edward Henninger was high scorer for the staff/faculty team with 17 points, and Ray Fischer chipped in with 13.

The staff/faculty team members were Kelly Butzler, Kirk Cantor, Mark Cosby, T. Jay Cunningham, Fischer, Tom Heffner, Henninger, Gallahad Mallery, Troy Mobley and Bryan Waltz.

Student-team members were Saki Atkinson, Erik Burke, John Haney, Gainer, Jordan McQuown, Melusky, Peterson and Shields.