Penn College News

Information Technology Services Announces Rollout of Anti-Spyware Software

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Employees, you may have noticed a new icon a yellow circle with cross hairs when you turned on your office computer today. The icon, which should appear in Spy Sweeper icon signals ongoing protection against spywarethe lower right corner of your screen, signals that Webroot Spy Sweeper is working to protect your computer from spyware.

ITS remotely installed Spy Sweeper on all employee computers early this week. The software is configured to run in the background, automatically blocking known spyware programs from being installed on your computer.

However, if your computer begins running slowly or if Internet Explorer stops working properly, you can manually "sweep" your hard drive for spyware. Simply double click on the icon to open the Spy Sweeper window. Select "Sweep System" and click the Start button.

To learn more about spyware, including ways to protect your home computer, visit the ITS Web site .