Penn College News

FBLA Regional Conference the Road to Success

Thursday, January 13, 2005

More than 600 regional high school students and chapter advisers from 13 area junior and senior high schools converged on the Pennsylvania College of Technology campus Friday, Jan. 7, to compete in the Region 7 Future Business Leaders of America Conference.

Penn College's School of Business and Computer Technologies hosted the event in coordination with the Outreach K-12 Office. Nearly 20 members of the school faculty proctored more than 30 competitive events ranging from Accounting and Economics to Network Design and Business Law. Eight faculty also judged the four major competitive events for the day: Emerging Business Issues, Impromptu Speaking, Job Interview and Mr./Ms. Future Business Leader.

Regional winners advance to compete at the 2005 State Leadership Conference hosted by Seven Springs Mountain Resort from April 13-15, with aspirations toward competing at the 2005 National Leadership Conference at the Convention and Visitors Bureau in Orlando, Fla., from June 22-28.

"We found out that it worked well for us. Your faculty did a good job," said Mary Thomas, regional FBLA director. "It was nice having judges that didn't know the students and, as educators, they had a better perspective on what is the best. We certainly hope that we will be able to continue to hold our (Regional Leadership Conference) at Penn College."

Dr. Edward A. Henninger, dean of business and computer technologies, found the support from the College, faculty, students and staff inspiring. He also echoed Thomas' comments, stating that "the event appeared to run very smoothly, and the interactions with the students and faculty from area school districts were both informative and invaluable to our community-outreach efforts." Both agreed that this looks like the beginning of a wonderful working relationship between Penn College and FBLA.

"It is great to have high school students experience the College campus and for our faculty to have the opportunity to see some of the most promising business education students in the region," added Dr. Jeannette L. Fraser, director of Outreach K-12. "What a great pool of young leaders our local area schools are producing.

"FBLA competitions amplify the great outcomes produced for students by our local school districts," she said. "And Penn College is happy to help in that process."

College student organizations involved in the daylong event included the ACM Computing Club, Legal Assistant Association, Phi Beta Lambda, Alpha Chi, Students in Free Enterprise and Women in Technology.

The Future Business Leaders of America/Phi Beta Lambda is a national association of intermediate, high school, vocational, junior college, college and university students interested in business and a widening variety of allied careers. Its purpose, in addition to promoting the development of vocational competencies for business and office careers, is to promote a sense of civic and personal responsibility.