Penn College News

Custom Quilt Among Highlights of CLC's 'Parent Appreciation Day'

Friday, December 3, 2004

Work-study students Addie Burnham (left) and Brittany Swisher display the Children's Learning Center 'Custom Made Quilt' A "Custom Made Quilt," displayed in the hallway outside the Children's Learning Center, was just one of the highlights of the annual "Parent Appreciation Day" on Friday, Dec. 3.

The quilt project was developed by Regina Andes, assistant group leader in The Bird's Nest. She cut the squares and sent the patches home with parents, with a note saying, "Decorate with your favorite holiday or family customs." The center received a wide variety of traditions, such as Chinese Spring Festival, birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

The quilt was the central display as the centershowedits parents (through a special breakfast or luncheon preparedin the Bush Campus Center kitchen) how much they and their children are appreciated. About 25 parents, grandparents and other special friends joined the children for breakfast in the center's Multipurpose Room between 8-9 a.m., and another 50 were served lunch in Penn's Inn at noon.