Penn College News

Students Tour Hotel Construction Site Near Campus

Friday, October 29, 2004

Students tour hotel construction site near campusStudents fromRichard C. Taylor's ACR 127 (Prints, Drawings and Specifications) class toured the Fairfield Inn construction site Thursday. Prior to walking across Maynard Street from campus, the class viewed blueprints of the building, paying special attention to the foundation, floor plans, utility entrances, HVAC and plumbing plans. Avoiding puddles, the students observed contractors installing insulated concrete forms into which concrete will be poured. The ICFs reminded students of giant Legos, being notched and fitting together, one on top of another. Each form is very light, made from polystyrene foam panels with plastic reinforcement ribs. A hand saw was used to cut the pieces to size. The class will be able to observe the building as it progresses through its various stages at least until the end of the semester!