Penn College News

Penn College Police Officer Receives More Honors

Friday, October 22, 2004

Officer William T. ChubbPenn College Police Officer William T. Chubb received several honors Thursday night ata banquet sponsored by local Post W of theTravelers Protective Association.

The association awarded Chubb a "Special Recognition" plaque for his dedication and service to the community. He also received a citation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, which was presented to him by Rep. Steven W. Cappelli. Chubb receivedanother "Special Recognition" honor from Thomas A. Marino, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

Chubb, who wasshot and wounded in the abdomenon April 27 while reponding to an incident just off the main campusin the 1000 blockof Vine Avenue, receivedtwo other awards previously.

At the Aug. 19 Board of Directors meeting,Penn College President Dr. Davie Jane Gilmourpresented Chubb with the Outstanding Commendation Award and the Law Enforcement Purple Heart from the American Police Hall of Fame, Miami, Fla.