Penn College News

Police Issue Crime Alert for Thefts From Vehicles

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Penn College Police have issued a Crime Alert for all students, faculty and staff, advising them to lock their vehicles to protect against thefts like those occurring on and around the main campus the past two evenings.

Unlocked vehicles were entered in the parking lots of College Avenue Labs, Campus View Apartments, the Breuder Advanced Technology and Health Sciences Center, and the Bush Campus Center.

Vehicles that were parked on streets and private property in city neighborhoods surrounding the College also were entered. The victims included Penn College students, faculty and staff, as well as city residents.

All of the vehicles were left unlocked, and the items taken range from loose money and compact discs to tools.

Penn College Police Chief Chris Miller reminds everyone in the College community to lock their vehicles at all times and to leave no valuables in them.

The thefts are being investigated by Penn College Police and the Williamsport Bureau of Police.