Penn College News

Revisions Reflect Technology's Widening Effect on Copyright Statutes

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Penn College has drafted new policy and procedures governing copyright,for which along-standing statute has been extended as technology increases access to copyrighted information in new media. The College has prepared policy and new procedures in this area especially to assist staff in meeting the obligations and restrictions that the statutes impose.

The new and revised policies and procedures are:

New Policy (1) VII 7.17 Copyright Policy

Revised Policies (1) III 3.04.01 Disciplinary Action APT, Classified and Service Employees (2) VII 7.06 Copying, Duplicating and Printing

New Procedure (1) PR 7.17 Copyright Procedure

Both the Policies and the Procedures Table of Contents have been updated, and all changes have been incorporated in the online Policies and Procedures Manual at F:PublicDOCS.