Penn College News

College Community Invited to Meet Mexican Guests

Monday, September 27, 2004

The Penn College community will have two opportunities this week to meet and welcome a group of visitors from Mexico.

The College is hosting a group of students from Mexico throughOct. 3. They are from the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey campus in Toluca, Mexico. The visit is part of an exchange between "Monterrey Tec" and Penn College.

Five students and one faculty member will participate in a number of educational lab activities and social-cultural activities while visiting Williamsport. A highlight of their visit will be preparing for and racing a go-kart in the American Red Cross-sponsored Mini-Indy from Oct. 2-3.

  • From noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29, there will be a presentation in the College library on the exchange program. During spring break, Penn College students will visit the ITESM campus to learn more about the Mexican culture and applied technology in an international setting. Students interested in going on this study tour may earn three credits as a MET or AMT elective or Hum/SS/Art/Language/Cultural Diversity elective. In addition, the Mexican students will share information about Monterrey Tec. All students interested in this trip should plan to attend the information session.
  • The campus is invited to a reception for the Mexican students from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 30, at the Professional Development Center.

For more information on study-abroad programs or our Mexican visitors, contact the International Programs Office at Penn College by calling (570) 320-5257 or by e-mail.