Penn College News

Nathaniel Project Helps Students Gauge Drug Danger

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Nathaniel Project, a program designed to assist Penn College students who have questions or concerns about the use of alcohol and other drugs, offers the following questionnaire* to help students determine their level of danger:

  1. Is your personality different when you drink or do drugs?
  2. Do you drink or do drugs to gain courage to face social situations?
  3. Has your drinking or drug use ever caused you to miss classes or appointments?
  4. Do you always end up drunk, once you start drinking?
  5. Do you sometimes have trouble remembering what you did while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs?
  6. Do you regret doing some of the things you do remember?
  7. Has your classwork suffered because of your drinking or drug use?

Students answering "yes" to these questions are in danger, and should contact The Nathaniel Project in person atKlump Academic Center, Room 423; or by phone at ext. 7915 for assistance.

* Used with permission of the National Mental Health Association; no part of this document may be reproduced without written consent.