Penn College News

Governance Committee Chairs Report on Meetings

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The six committees of Penn College's Governance system met Tuesday, and their respective chairs have filed reports of the proceedings:

Academic Standards and Issues Committee membership is currently incomplete: 1. Schools are encouraged to explore student candidates for nomination to the "Student at Large" position 2. There continues to be an open position for a faculty member from Health Sciences. This appointment would be for one year. Nominations should be forwarded to Barbara Natell, committee chair.

Discussion was lengthy in regards to the proposal for Information Literacy Recommendations. This will be a continued discussion at next month's meeting. Members of the College community are encouraged to communicate insights, ideas and concerns to their AS&I representative.

Revisions were passed, as presented to AS&I from the vice president of academic affairs and the Council of Deans, to the Supplement to the Gray Document, defining requisites for minors within Baccalaureate Degrees.

Submitted by Barbara Natell

Curriculum New members were introduced to the committee: Todd Leister, Admissions; Georgia Laudenslager, Library; Habib Sajjadi, Business and Computer Technologies; and Evan Dandrea, Student Representative.

style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial"nominations should be forwarded to barbara natell, committee chair. >

The following handouts were distributed for review: Bylaws of the governance system, The Internal Governance System Annual Report 2003-04, and the (new) Curriculum Manual: revised August 2004.

The following items were approved following amendment:1. New Course: CCM 140 Woodworking - Art, Craft & Design 2. Minor Change Via Memorandum (major): Building Automation Technology (BBT), BS {add major designators HV + BBT = BBV; EL + BBT = BBL; MT + BBT = BBC; IP + BBT = BBI}

The following items were approved pending submission of abstract:1. Minor Change Via Memorandum (course): BCT 234 Masonry Principles 2. Minor Change Via Memorandum (course): ELT 245 Introduction to Programmable Logic Control

The following item was tabled for revisions and will be re-examined at the Oct.19 meeting:1. Minor Change Via Memorandum (major): Radiography (RD), AAS

Submitted by Marie G. Smith

Facilities 1. Ongoing and recently completed work happening on campus including carpet installation, concrete work in front of the ACC, parking lot work and office relocations was discussed. It was noted that the ACC renovations are near completion and almost a year ahead of schedule. 2. Lisette Ormsbee, the director of the College library, informed the committee about the Madigan Library and what it will add to the College community. Highlights include skylights, cafe, covered patio, chiming clock tower and multiple student study areas, as well as cutting-edge technology. Ground will be broken in January. 3. Committee members reported about lack of compliance in keeping smoke-free entrances smoke-free. A subcommittee was formed to propose strategies to keep the College community informed about smoke-free areas in order to improve air quality at many entrances. 4. Issues concerning indoor air quality and handicapped access were discussed. The safety committee will be consulted on these issues.

Submitted by Rick Taylor

Human Resources 1. The vice chairperson, Barbara Wayne-Mellott, assumed the committee chairperson position due to the resignation of the elected chairperson, Matthew Branca. A vice chairperson was not elected at this meeting, so the position remains vacant. 2. The Distinguished Staff Awards Guidelines and Nomination Form need to be revised subsequent to the president's approval for a Distinguished Staff Award for Part-Time Employees. This revision falls under the purview of the Distinguished Staff Awards Subcommittee. 3.The committee discussed a Distinquished Staff Award for Counselors and Librarians. The item was tabled pending the receipt of additional information. 4. The committee considered the Employee Break in Service issue, noting that further clarification is needed. The item was tabled for further discussion.

Submitted by Barbara Wayne-Mellott

Long-Range Planning 1. Nominated Kim Bolig as committee vice chair2. Reviewed and discussed the definition and functions of LRPC3. Nominated Mike Ditchfield to fill the School of Hospitality vacancy on the committee4. Approved the retirement of task statements AS 9.2, AS 9.3 and AS 9.45. Approved the creation of a new task statement that will replace 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4

Submitted by Daniel K. Christopher

Student Affairs Report pending

style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial"submitted by daniel k. christopher >