Penn College News

Children's Learning Center to Hold 10th Birthday Party Sept. 26

Wednesday, September 8, 2004

The Children's Learning Center at Pennsylvania College of Technology will hold a 10th birthday party from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 26, at the Bush Campus Center on the College's main campus.

To celebrate the anniversary, the center is inviting all former students/enrollees and their families to an open house on the lawn outside the Campus Center. The event will include a patio cookout, music and a video collage and photo collection of children who have been enrolled at the center over the years.

"We encourage people to bring any photos they have to share with the photo collection we have," said Gail B. Landers, a group leader at the Children's Learning Center. "We would also welcome current photos of our graduates." Photos can be returned after the event.

There will be activities for children, including a sponge-throw, fishing, a maze and face-painting. The activities will be organized and staffed by members of Early Educators, a student organization at Penn College.

The Children's Learning Center provides high-quality, on-campus child care and early childhood education to children while their parents work or attend classes at Penn College. It also offers a working laboratory for students in the Early Childhood Education Program and other majors. The center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and has received the highest rating four stars from the Pennsylvania Keystone Stars program.

In case of rain, the event will be held in Penn's Inn, on the second floor of theCampus Center.