Penn College News

Men Appear Set, Women Rebuilding in Cross Country

Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Coach Mike Paulhamus enters his fifth season at the helm of the Pennsylvania College of Technology cross country teams with a men's squad that looks for continued success and a women's squad that is rebuilding.

Returning on the men's side from last year's team that finished 22-16 overall, including 13-0 in the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Conference where it won that championship and also the Pennsylvania Collegiate Athletic Association team title, are sophomores John Foltz (Danville), Dan Arminavage (Annville-Cleona), Joe Adesso (Exeter) and Tyler Hoffman (Carlisle). Foltz, Arminavage and Adesso were all-PCAA and all-EPCC selections a year ago.

Others with collegiate running experience for the Wildcat men are Jamie King of Scranton, who was on the squad two years ago, and Nick Ensig (Neshaminy), a team member three years ago. Newcomers are Andy Karinch (Williamsport), Tom Lambert (Bangor), Ryan Lampart (Hazleton), Mike Wommelsdorf (Allentown-Dieruff), Zack Ireland (Milton), Justin Alberts (Greenwood), Vince Arzamendi (Lewistown) and Dan Schultz (West Perry).

"I have some indicators that I use and we're not too far off from where we were (as a team) at this point least year," said Paulhamus. The Wildcats open Saturday in an invitational at Marywood University. "Other than the runners we had last year, they're sort of 'green' when it comes to running the five-mile distance. The transition from running a 3.1-mile race in high school to five miles is a big changeover. We have a lot to learn over the next couple of weeks before our first league meet," the coach noted.

He said that he's counting on the experience and leadership of Foltz, Arminavage and Adesso to help.

"They know what I want go get done, what I want to accomplish, and they'll help push the younger ones through," Paulhamus said. When it comes to the College's women's team, Paulhamus isn't as sure. "That's been my nightmare," he said, noting that two key anticipated returnees who earned all-conference honors a year ago Rachel Dalby of Annapolis, Md., and Iris Butler of Wellsboro moved on to four-year colleges. With them gone, Paulhamus is counting on three women who are doubling up in fall sport participation, soccer players Jennifer Friese (Chambersburg) and Jenny Mull (Huntingdon) and tennis player Krystal Sheredos (Bangor).

To enter a team in conference meets, three runners are needed. So their staying healthy will be important.

"It's early in the season now, but, once soccer and tennis seasons begin, along with cross country, we'll see around the middle of September whether they have any legs left. That's a concern I have," Paulhamus said.

The Wildcats will compete in both the EPCC and Commonwealth Campus Athletic Conference this season.